Health & Safety are Company values taken seriously. Sims Limited leads in safety performance for the simple reason that we do not wait to respond to incidents, but effectively address risks proactively through our global lead indicator programs. Our Environment, Health and Safety strategy is a tactical one, using data to target specific risks and verifying the effectiveness of controls.
At Sims Limited we address Critical (fatal) Risk first and foremost, ensuring that we continually evaluate and improve upon our process controls. We continue to drive year over year performance improvement because of the significant proactive efforts from our global teams.

- Lowest injury rate ever
- Achieved a TRIFR at or below 1.00
- 49,000 safety training courses completed

Focusing on What Matters Most
In 2019, we introduced a tactical strategy to address process risks, and target critical (fatal) potential risk that employees face. Achieved through a 10 year incident taxonomy study, which formed our Critical Risk Management program. Once globally implemented, thousands of controls were, and continue to be, improved upon. We streamlined our standards, specifying control requirements and supported with new EHS Standard training through our global learning management system, Sims University. Online mobile applications changed paper-based EHS tools into digital control verification forms in order to adequately manage data and ensure a return on investment. These improvements have significantly improved environmental management, health provisions and safety controls, year over year.
Our Standards
The EHS Management System supports our core values, defines our global EHS strategic elements, and directs our operations in protecting employees from health and safety risks and the community from environmental impacts. The system provides a framework and key requirements for our global operations.

Health and Safety Case Studies
How our safety culture comes to life.

Sustainability Download Centre
Our purpose and commitments to environmental, social and governance (ESG) best practices guide our strategy. We measure, and report on, our performance and material topics in alignment with leading global ESG assessments, frameworks and standards.