By 2025
- Use 100% renewable electricity.
- Reduce operational emissions by 23% from the level they were in 2020.
- Sims Lifecycle Services will be carbon neutral in its direct operations.
Sims Limited recognises the critical role of the circular economy in enabling the transition to a prosperous, net zero society. As a circular economy leader, we have put the net zero transition at the heart of our business strategy: growing our core businesses that deliver low-carbon materials for critical industries like steelmaking, and expanding in innovative new business models to grow our impact. That also means taking ambitious actions to decarbonise our own operations.
By 2025
By 2030
The Sims Group will be carbon neutral in our direct operations.
By 2050
Our goal is to achieve net zero operational emissions across the Sims Groups.
*All target dates refer to Financial Years, e.g. 2022 refers to FY2022. Our Renewable electricity goal for 2025 is for the calendar year. Reference baselines will be adjusted for any material acquisitions and divestments based on GHG emissions at the time of the transaction. Carbon offsets will be used as required.
At Sims Limited, we recognise the shared global challenge of climate change and are committed to take action. Our Energy & Climate policy sets out our position (Link). We have set ambitious targets and are making progress.
Our long-term goal is to achieve net zero operational GHG emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2 from our operations) by 2050 and be carbon neutral by 2030. We have also set a short-term target to reduce operational GHG emissions by at least 23% percent from FY2020 levels(1) by FY2025.
In FY20, electricity made up nearly half of Sims Limited’s emissions (48%), and as we electrify plant and vehicles, we expect our consumption of electricity will grow. That’s why we have committed to source 100% renewable electricity by 2025. Most of the remainder of our emissions come from the use of fuel, particularly diesel in our road vehicles and mobile plant. Over time, we’ll be moving to higher-efficiency, electric or other low-emission options in line with our roadmap below.
Each year, Sims Limited helps divert millions of tonnes of secondary materials from landfills. These discarded materials are sorted and then redeployed, recycled or renewed to make new products.
By helping millions of tonnes of materials have a second life, Sims Limited is directly reducing the need to extract raw materials from the Earth – avoiding environmental loss and damage and reducing the carbon emissions associated with extraction, transport and production of new materials (known as embodied emissions). At Sims Limited, we enable low-carbon growth on the journey to achieve our purpose: a world without waste, to preserve our planet.
Progress on our journey to net zero.
Our purpose and commitments to environmental, social and governance (ESG) best practices guide our strategy. We measure, and report on, our performance and material topics in alignment with leading global ESG assessments, frameworks and standards.