Sims Limited’s purpose is to create a world without waste, to preserve our planet. Conserving the Earth’s resources, closing resource loops and protecting biodiversity are some of the important ways we work to achieve this purpose.
Best Practice Operations
At our sites, we will always comply with industry standards and local regulations and permits – but we always seek to go beyond them. In 2021 and 2022, we have recruited environmental management specialists across our global operations to support the continued improvement in our practices that we strive towards. We have reviewed key data and controls and have set a specific environmental standard that clearly outlines what we require at each of our sites to conserve water, protect ecosystems, and control waste. We are also working on our data collection and reporting to support our deliveries.

Stewards of Our Natural World
The circular economy preserves and protects nature. As a leading circular business, we recognise the importance of conserving and preserving natural resources. As the climate changes, healthy natural environments and ecosystems are more resilient and can enhance the resilience of the community. Sims Limited incorporates consideration for biodiversity into our operations and planning.
Water is vital to people and the environment. While Sims Limited is not a large water user, we do use water for dust suppression to protect our employees and reduce the impacts to our neighbours. As the global population increases and weather patterns are disrupted due to climate change, efficiently managing our water impacts is more important than ever.
Renewing Resources from Waste
In our metals recycling business we handle products like cars, refrigerators and shopping trolleys. These materials are first depolluted (so we will safely remove oil, fuel and refrigerant gases for recovery and recycling) and then processed in a shredder that separates the metals from non-metal components: things like plastic, foam and rubber. This is a waste material that is known as automotive shredder residue (ASR) – and it’s currently sent to landfill. While we look to minimise the ASR we generate through strictly controlled quality control mechanisms, we want to close the loop and turn ASR into a valuable product.
We are investing in resource renewal technologies to convert ASR into useful products for society through Sims Resource Renewal. This advanced technology uses plasma gasification to convert waste into products like hydrogen gas. Our demonstration facility is coming to Queensland in 2022 – learn more now.
Turning Our Vision into Action
Global sustainability case studies
Our Certifications, Permits and Policies

Sustainability Download Centre
Our purpose and commitments to environmental, social and governance (ESG) best practices guide our strategy. We measure, and report on, our performance and material topics in alignment with leading global ESG assessments, frameworks and standards.