We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment. We believe that the safety of the individual comes before all other considerations.
Sims Limited’s workplace policies show our commitment to excellence in environment, health and safety (EH&S).

We are committed to the ecologically sound and sustainable use of resources and strive to operate in a manner which minimizes waste and protects the environment.
We are committed to being respected corporate citizens by working constructively with our communities and other stakeholders. We support volunteerism and promote employee involvement both at work and in the community.
Sustainability is at the core of who we are and what we do. Our goal is to be the world’s safest and most responsible recycling company by creating a zero harm workplace for our employees, being an exemplary member of the communities in which we operate, and being responsible stewards of the environment.
To achieve our commitment, we will support and implement this EH&S policy through the development of standard and management systems. Our commitment to the continual improvement of EH&S in our business is supported through regular measurement, evaluation, and management review of our EH&S program.
Our employees receive our full support and may register any legitimate safety or other concerns anonymously via a secure external website.